Resources for Clubs and Organizations

Policies and Resources

Effective ways to advertise your club/organization or events include:

  • Fliers
  • Table tents: Print 60 total 4"x6" sheets and deliver to the Student Activities Desk
  • Sandwich boards: Contact Student Activities to reserve
  • Stall Street
  • PowerPoint slide on COMLINK that displays on the Student Center TVs: Send a JPG or PNG image to Student Activities
  • Informational tables
  • Mass emails

The Student Activities office must approve all forms of advertisement that are posted on campus. Advertisements that have not been approved with the Student Activities approval stamp will be taken down immediately.

Sidewalk chalk of any kind is not permitted on campus grounds.

To order food, first contact the RedTail Café to see if they can fill your need. If they are not able to do so, you can use an off-campus business to fulfill your request. Check with Student Activities about how to order off-campus.

Student clubs and organizations must keep accurate records of their financial activities. If you have any questions about financial rules, contact Laura Thompson in the Business Office, Hawkeye Center 122. Clubs and organizations cannot spend more than they have; any extra costs will be covered by the advisor's department.

If your club needs to make a purchase for an event or activity, there are a few options:

  • For online or phone purchases, clubs can use the credit card available in the Business Office.
  • The club advisor can check out the Walmart credit card from the Business Office.
  • You can pay for items yourself and then submit a reimbursement form [PDF] with all required paperwork to the Student Activities office. However, Student Activities prefers this to be a last option, and the College will not reimburse sales tax.

No matter which payment method is used, clubs must submit a Funding Request Form to the Student Activities Coordinator before making any purchases with club funds. The Coordinator will review and approve the request if it follows Hawkeye Community College policies. You’ll be notified once it's approved. Purchases made without prior approval may not be reimbursed with club funds.

If your club or organization is planning an event or trip, either on or off campus, you must let Student Activities know about it. For off-campus events, every participating member must sign and submit a Travel Acknowledgement/Waiver Form [PDF] to the Student Activities office before the trip, even if they are not riding in a college vehicle.

Clubs and organizations must get all designs for items like t-shirts, sweatshirts, or tote bags approved by their advisor, Student Activities, and Public Relations and Marketing before printing them.

All raffles held by a club or organization must be approved by Student Activities before they happen. The club or organization running the raffle is responsible for paying sales tax.

Clubs and organizations on campus must follow the rules in the Hawkeye Community College Student Handbook to stay active and receive funding from the Student Leadership Council.

Soliciting of any kind is not allowed on campus. If a club wants to set up an information table for promotion, they must get approval from Student Activities.

Advisor Agreement [PDF]: Every advisor will need to sign an advisor agreement every academic year or when starting a new club.

Appeal Form [PDF]: Complete this form to appeal a disciplinary action made by the club/organization advisor. For example, suspension or termination from the club/organization once the necessary requirements are met.

Funding Request Form [PDF]: Used to request usage of funds for a club/organization. Clubs/organizations can request up to $400 per fall/spring semester.

Fundraising Approval Form [PDF]: Used when planning any type of fundraiser. Clubs/organizations will be notified of approval or denial within two weeks from when the request is received.

Registration and Roster Form [PDF]: To maintain your club/organization's active status, submit a completed Registration and Roster form each semester. Also see Maintaining Active Status.

Reimbursement Form [PDF]: Used when requesting reimbursement for purchases made for a club/organization or travel expenses. If requesting reimbursement for travel, you will also need to complete the Travel Reimbursement form. Travel Reimbursement forms can be picked up in the Student Activities office.

Student Activity Event Notification [PDF]: Complete this form if you will miss class to attend a club/organization event.

Travel Acknowledgement/Waiver Form [PDF]: All students participating in a club/organization must sign a Travel Acknowledgement/Waiver form prior to any travel taking place.

  • To post flyers or other information on the bulletin boards around campus, contact Student Activities. All flyers must be okayed, stamped, and posted by Student Activities. Unapproved flyers will be removed.
  • To request information to put into the Stall Street Journal (posted once a month during the school year in bathroom stalls around campus), your club/organization advisor must contact Student Activities. Due to limited space, a rotation may be implemented to ensure all clubs/organizations are given equal opportunities to post in the publication. Student Activities reserves the right to omit or include any information submitted.
  • To create, update, or add information to your club/organization web page, email Krystal Grady in Public Relations and Marketing.
  • To create, update, or add information to your club card in My Hawkeye, email
  • For approval of all other marketing materials, including creating a social media presence, contact Public Relations and Marketing.

  • To reserve the Brock Student Center Multipurpose Room or Clubs and Orgs Arena, contact Student Activities. All requests must be confirmed by the Student Activities staff.
  • To reserve the Informational Table in the Brock Student Center, your club/organization advisor must contact Student Activities.
  • To reserve a classroom or the Auditorium in Tama Hall, your club/organization advisor must contact  events manager, Karen Gebel, at 319-296-4049 or email Karen.

Developing your club/organization calendar: Clubs/organizations are strongly encouraged to set up a yearly calendar of events/activities as early in the fall semester as possible. This will ensure that the space and other resources that are needed will be available. This will also ensure that your activities are publicized as widely as possible.

To reserve a van or car, the club/organization advisor must contact Student Activities who will help connect them with the campus Facilities department to confirm the reservation. The person driving the vehicle must be a Hawkeye employee and an approved Hawkeye driver. Facilities can answer questions regarding how to become an approved Hawkeye driver prior to your travel.

Van Rental Form

The Van Rental Form is used to reserve and document any travel in a Hawkeye vehicle. This form is also used by the maintenance department to keep track of mileage and vehicle usage. Your club/organization should keep it for your records. Student Activities will also file it in your club/organization’s folder.

The Student Activities staff maintains an open door policy. You are encouraged to contact us with any questions regarding planning, club/organization operations, handling funds, fundraising, marketing, or any other issues that may arise.

We are happy to help any club/organization with their development which may include clarification of purpose, structuring of organization, fundraising ideas, leadership development, team building, conflict resolution, etc.

Appointments are encouraged.

The Library has laptops available to checkout for student use. Visit the Library's Circulation Desk to borrow one and get more information.

Maintaining Active Status

Once your club or organization is officially registered by Student Activities, you must keep it active by doing the following:

  • Hold regular meetings, at least once a month.
  • Keep your club's constitution and by-laws up to date. Student Activities keeps a copy, so send them any updates.
  • Submit a Registration and Roster form [PDF] each semester with the current list of members and officers to the Student Leadership Council.
  • Make sure all members are in good standing with the College and attending classes.
    Have a Hawkeye faculty or staff advisor who attends meetings and events.
  • Manage finances responsibly and make financial records available to Student Activities and the Business Office.
  • Have a club member attend the clubs/organizations committee meeting on the first Monday of every month at 12 PM in the Brock Student Center or via video conference.
  • Submit a report of your club's activities and spending to the Student Leadership Council or the Student Activities Coordinator by April 30 each year.
  • Keep an updated web page for your club or organization on the Hawkeye Community College website.

Additional Activities

  • Perform one community service activity per semester. This can be on or off campus
  • Collaborate with another club or clubs on at least one event each semester.

Advisor Resource Guide

Any Hawkeye faculty or staff member, with their supervisor's approval, can become a club or organization advisor.

There are many benefits to being a club or organization advisor, such as:

  • Being a mentor and role model for students.
  • Connecting with students and staying involved with what's happening on campus.
  • Teaching, leading, and guiding students who are involved.
  • Building connections with other staff who are also advisors or involved in Hawkeye activities.
  • Networking with advisors of similar groups at regional or national levels.
  • Participating in a club or organization that matches your interests.

The main job of a club or organization advisor is to help and guide the group's officers or members in reaching their goals while making sure they follow all Hawkeye Community College rules. How involved you are as an advisor should be discussed and agreed on with the group.

Some groups will need more or less attention depending on the time of year. Talk with the group about the time and support they expect from you before deciding to be their advisor.

As an advisor, you are responsible for the club or organization and all of its events and actions. It is your job to look at any risks involved with the group's activities and make changes to reduce those risks, or inform the College of any possible concerns.

It is Not Your Job as Advisor to:

  • Control the group.
  • Manipulate the group.
  • Take ownership for the group.
  • Close communication.
  • Be afraid to try new ideas.
  • Know it all.
  • Be the leader.
  • Say "I told you so…".
  • Impose your own bias.
  • Tell the group what to do (unless they are acting in violation of a policy).

Taking an active role in a club/organization (attending meetings, events, meeting with officers, giving advice) does not mean you are running the organization. It means you guide and assist the officers in their roles, not doing the day-to-day operations. You might meet less frequently with the officers if the organization does not need an active advisor.

  • Develop your club/organization advisor style. Being an effective club/organization advisor means developing a style that matches the club/organization's needs. When developing this style, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the club, the types of activities they are involved in, and the mission of Hawkeye Community College.
  • Create a contact list of officers and members.
  • Create a calendar of events for the club/organization.
  • Know your club/organization constitution/by-laws. Student Activities has each club/organization's constitution/by-laws on file.
  • Know the history of the club/organization.
  • Know the club/organization policies and procedures. Student Activities can provide these to you.
  • Attend as many meetings and events as possible.
  • Knowledge of Hawkeye Community College resources.
  • Be willing to assist the group and its members.
  • Allow others to fail.
  • Trust yourself and the group.
  • Allow others to succeed.
  • Serve as a resource person.
  • Know your limits.
  • Teach the art of leadership.
  • Know the group's limits.
  • Be available in emergency situations.
  • Keep your sense of humor.
  • Be consistent with your actions.
  • Inform the group of policies.
  • Be visible.
  • Learn when to speak/when not to speak.
  • Assist officers with procedural matters.

  • Time management issues and becoming over-committed.
  • Trouble defining your role within the group (getting too involved or not involved enough).
  • Knowing what should be done in a group and not just doing the tasks yourself.
  • Frustration with some officers/members and/or the organization.
  • Being patient in the growth and development process of students and organizations

Can I personally be held responsible if something should happen with my group?

The simple answer is no, you will not be held personally responsible as long as you advise/guide in a manner consistent with common sense and follow Hawkeye Community College policies and procedures.

It is important for you and the group to learn the information on this Policies and Resources web page and ask questions if you don't understand something.

All employees of Hawkeye are covered by institutional liability insurance as long as they are working within their job description and advising a Hawkeye club/organization.

It is very important for you to understand that if you know of any illegal activity, or activities that are not in line with the Student Code of Conduct, and chose to do nothing about this, you could be held responsible. Additionally, following industry standards (e.g. club sports teams wearing recommended protective gear, complying with film copyright laws), following Hawkeye procedures (all travel or risky activities require a release/waiver form), following state and federal laws (e.g., hazing is illegal, drinking age), and using common sense go a long way in reducing your risk.

Contact Us

Student Activities

Main Campus
Brock Student Center
Email Student Activities

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM